The Zombie Prom was awesome. The drive there was awesome, the dance itself was awesome, the drive back was awesome. I got to put makeup on (hang on, let me run up the tally on my fingers) . . . five of my friends, not including myself. I have to say, it turned out really well. Not bad considering the weapons -- er, tools -- I had were limited to the powder, eyeliner, and/or lip balm variety.
Jesse, displaying my handiwork. I wish we'd have gotten a pic of his other side, it was just as creepy.
Another one of my volunteers (right).
The whole motley bunch of us. This was after several hours of dancing, so we look less zombified and more like we just haven't slept in a while.
Last night was fun too. I slept until noon, having gotten to my bed at four in the morning. Jacqueline's house hosted a Halloween party. Rachel came over beforehand and I put her hair up in two buns to be Princess Leia. I went as a Jedi. Even made a light saber (one of my friends thinks that's one word, but Blogger thinks it's two) out of a vacuum cleaner attachment and a scarf - coincidentally the same scarf I used as a sash for my zombie getup on Friday night. That scarf has seen some good use in its day. Christine used it as a neck kerchief a year or so ago to be Daphne when four of us dressed up like the Scooby Doo gang.
All three of them are now on missions. Velma's on her own.
Our Star Wars costumes were reminiscent of the first year Christine and I lived together. Looking back I realize now how much dressing up we did as roommates.
Ah, R2. We made him out of a bucket of oats, among other things. He served us well.
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