Saturday, November 21, 2009

I never thought I would be so happy to see something in the mailbox as I was today. I checked the mail at three thirty, thinking anything that would be delivered would have gotten to me by that point. The mailbox was empty, so I figured I'd have to wait until Monday. I went to the library to check out a couple of books for my mom and returned home a little over an hour and a half later.

I decided to check the mailbox one last time, just in case. And inside the mailbox, glory be, was my MISSION CALL!! I burst into tears in the middle of our apartment parking lot and did a dance of joy once I got inside.

Whereupon I promptly began freaking out. I was alone. My roommate was nowhere to be found. My mom was in Panama City, my dad in Utah. The Bowcutts, who had been calling me all day long to see if my call had arrived, were not picking up their phone. I called Lance in desperation and he said he'd come over. After about an hour's worth of frantic phone calls, I got through to several of my friends who made their way over to my house. I tried to get my broken laptop to work well enough to get hold of my parents on video iChat and called my dad and put him on speaker phone.

And then came the actual reading of the letter. I am still freaking out about it, two hours later. I think I've run the complete gamut of emotions over the past four hours. My roommate doesn't seem to think so, though. She just sneaked up behind me and grabbed me by the hair. Thanks, Rebecca. Thanks a lot.

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