Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I did a lot of writing today.

Even that's an understatement.

I slept until noon, having had a late night last night. I wrote a little here and there and then did some other things around the house before coming back to my novel. I added a few scenes here and there. Then I decided to do a little first-person outlining from each of my characters' perspectives, because my previous attempts at outlining and writing sans outline have not been doing so well.

And in that segment alone I wrote over 3000 words. I couldn't believe it. My previous wordcount according to NaNoWriMo had been somewhere in the mid 14,000s range. When I updated my wordcount after this writing session I was up to 21,161 words.

Is that insane? How is that even possible? I wrote seven thousand words in an afternoon?!

That can't be right.

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