Monday, December 26, 2011

Tomorrow is a long time.

Why hello.

It's been a long time since I logged in here, and even longer since I've written anything. I blame the mission, plus the fact that I actually forgot about the existence of this ill-used bit of cyberspace.

I'm not really sure what possessed me to open this text window, to be perfectly honest. The thing about keeping a blog is that it automatically puts your deepest thoughts on display for all to see, and I am not one for that amount of openness. On the other hand, there's the idea that it's more like a journal, since I don't really know how many people (if any) actually read this.

I'm no stranger to online journals, however. Back in the days of high school (ah, high school. Remember that?) I was quite taken with the world of Xanga blogs. Then Myspace pages. Then Facebook notes. I'm always a touch behind the power curve, though, because a few of my friends were always on to the next venue before I had really gotten a handle on the first.

Then there was the local site for creative writing and photos started by my small hometown's artsy types, where I posted short stories and vignettes for a few months. That site shut down while I was away for eighteen months, so I'm extra glad I saved every thing I posted onto an external hard drive.

Originally, I began this blog as a sort of venue to build letters to a friend of mine who was out of the country. "Updates for an absent audience," I called it. The genre doesn't seem to fit anymore. Of course, now that I'm back, I seem to have a hard time fitting in myself. So this might become an experiment for me to piece together who I am. Or it might be a splash panel of ideas and stories, like PCityLive was.

Watch this space.

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