Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Late.  Short entry.  Backwards.  Watching Pushing Daisies makes me want to write witty dialogue with plot twists.

We made a lot of food today.  Mom made curry.  I made almond fudge.  Mom made spinach brownies (much tastier than they sound).  I made Claire cookies.  It was like the Dueling Banjos, if those involved a 350 degree oven.

General conference makes me want to be a better person.  I may be a political simpleton, but I laugh at the reporters who make a big fuss over a certain LDS politician who happened to give a large chunk of change to the Church.  (Um, it's what all of us active members do?  As long as it's ten percent of his income, what does it matter?)

Finished reading Ella Enchanted for the gazillionth time.  It always makes me smile.

Also, I watched The Blind Side.  As much as I understand that the film is about some kid beating the odds and rising above his trashy homelife, I don't get why they have to insert a gratuitous gross scene in the last ten minutes of the movie so it has to have a PG-13 rating.  Why do movies do this?  Why do they ruin a perfectly good and clean and uplifting flick with ten minutes of smut?

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