Monday, January 4, 2010

Church. Some awful (i.e. more of a travel log than anything spiritual) testimonies followed by an awesome first-time testimony by my ten year old sister. Several people in the ward wondered who she was and came up to her to tell her how good it was. Turns out the bishop got several questions wondering who this new girl was and called my grandma once he found out who she belonged to.

Left church early to go to Salt Lake. Felt a little guilty taking my laptop to the Apple Store for repairs, but they operate on scheduled appointments and since my family's leaving on Tuesday this was the best we could do. Ran around the shopping center while we waited and rode the elevator up and down with some people who smelled like cigarettes. Rode the escalator up but then it broke ("An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.") Got a call from Daddy telling us he was done dropping off my laptop and as we ran to the car this noble fanfare music broke out all over the shopping center. Who knew why, but it made us feel epic.

Drove to see the DeGraffenrieds, the family my parents met while they were on a cruise. Likely the only two LDS families on that cruise, and they somehow wound up assigned to the same dinner table. They have eight kids, which is fan-freaking-tastic. We stayed there for dinner and chatted for hours. I finished the scarf I started last night, and made a hat to match since I hate having leftover yarn.

Went over to my aunt and uncle's where my aunt had slaved over Julia Child's cookbook making an amazing chicken with parmesan crust and spiced green beans and chocolate almond cake. All containing vast amounts of butter, of course. Julia wouldn't have it any other way.

Family leaves for Florida the day after tomorrow. How they'll get home when we don't even know what happened to our stolen car (which was then found and has yet to be collected by the insurance agent since the police won't tell them which lot it's in)...well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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