Monday, September 28, 2009

Let's try this again.

I am not a blogger. Or at least, I haven't been for some time.

Being a Latter-Day Saint, I'm constantly told to write down my own history. Not to put on public display, mind; at least not the precious stuff. I don't relish the idea of hanging out my dirty laundry for all to see.

But since I've fallen into the very bad habit of not regularly updating my journal, I wonder if having an audience, albeit an invisible one, might help give me the push I need to make this more of a habit.

Of course, once I'm out on my mission this form of recording won't be available to me. Still, I'd like to at least try to get into the habit before I'm wearing the black name tag on my lapel.

I also happen to have a best friend who is currently serving outside of the country. She's available to me through the use of email and ink-and-paper only. So some of my posts here will subsequently be copy-pasted into my updates for her. That is, again, if I can make a regular thing of it.

Beyond that, there's no telling what might appear here. Stories, book reviews, music, musings on what it's like to be...well, me.

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